Book in Review: The Summer I Found You by Jolene Perry

9:33 PM

Title: The Summer I Found You
Author: Jolene Perry
Publisher: Albert Whitman Teen
Hardcopy: 256 pages
Genre: YA
Publication Date: March 1, 2014 
Rating: 3/5 

Kate's dream boyfriend, Shelton has just broken up with her because they'll be going to different colleges. At the same time, she's trying her best to keep her secret of having type 1 diabetes. She soon gets to know Aidan, an army veteran who recently lost his arm in Afghanistan. Both of them are not so perfect. Both of them are trying to find the perfect distraction. Are they going to be meant for each other, or will their disabilities hinder them from deepening their relationship with each other? 

While I was still reading this book, I added it to our last week's Top Ten Tuesday where we shared the top ten books we think are unique. In this book's case, the plot, the writing style, or the cover wasn't that unique, but the characters were. I admire that the author was brave enough that she created imperfect protagonists, as it is usually difficult to root for characters who remind us too much of ourselves. It was very realistic, and I loved it.

The book was written in double POV's which allowed me to get to know the characters in a visceral way.The plot development was just right. There weren't scenes that were too long or too short. There were just some parts that were too predictable.

To sum it all up, The Summer I Found You is the perfect book for a lazy day. All the scenes and events in the book weren't too complex or tiring to read. I gave the book a 3 out of 5 rating because I was glad to review the book, but I wasn't all that amazed by its story. All I can say is that the story was good but not great. Nevertheless, the book was worth it and all YA lovers should give it a try. 

Have you read The Summer I Found You? What do you think? Leave a comment! 

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  1. I've heard of this book but didn't have a chance to read it yet. It seems good! I like unique books.

    Ivana @ BookishTeens


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