Merry Christmas 2015 from Geeky Chiquitas!

9:00 PM

Merry Christmas, from Geeky Chiquitas!

We hope you guys are having a wonderful holiday. As I (Kimi) write this, I am sitting on my bed at home, snuggled under a blanket, and listening to the Under the Mistletoe playlist on Spotify, as occasionally a firework goes off (which is pretty weird since it's morning here). Meanwhile, Audrey and Beryl are off at Osaka, Japan, doing who knows what (I haven't had an update from them yet) but probably having fun, taking lots of selfies, slurping ramen, and building snowmen (is there snow in Japan right now??? I'm not sure).

Last night for Christmas Eve, we had dinner at my grandparents' place with some relatives. I've been complaining for the past few days that I can't seem to feel the Christmas vibes, no matter what I do or how hard I try. And now that it's finally Christmas, meh, still no holiday vibes. A few years back, Christmas was such a fun holiday and I remember all my cousins would be around at my grandparents' house, since it's our tradition to spend it there. This year, a lot of them have other plans with their family (ehem Beryl and Audrey are gone) so I'm stuck spending the Christmas with my own immediate family, plus a few of my cousins, who are all unfortunately toddlers - and while toddlers are cute, they are no use making conversation with and usually sleep early, so you get stuck doing nothing as you wait for the clock to strike midnight for Christmas day, which is basically what I did last night.

One bright spot of the night was that I got to eat good food (which was also pretty much a downer compared to the previous years of Christmas eve dinners, but meh oh well), spend time with family (as if I haven't had enough bonding with them already), and oh did I mention that I received presents? I didn't really expect to receive anything this year because I'm getting old, and the more you get older the less presents you get, but surprisingly I did get something last night! So to my relatives, thank you very much for indulging me with presents to open on Christmas eve because you know how much I like gifts and opening them. Here are the presents that I received this year:

Sweatpants from H&M
Lesportsac bag
Uniqlo clothes
Herschel bag

Not bad, huh?

Now, although I'm not really that Christmasy this year (I normally am huhu), I don't like to sound like a Grinch, so I'll just share with you guys my mental list of things I'm thankful for this holiday season, of which I spend most days going over them in my head to make myself feel good about the holidays (and by that it's no longer a mental list, since I'm writing them down on this blog post).

1. Socks

Aren't socks always nice? I don't really use socks that much because the weather here is really really hot, but like every other person in this whole world, I tend to associate socks with Christmas because of Santa socks. I love socks, and I like seeing them hung around the house during Christmas. I also like them in different prints, especially Disney ones! Plus, you can never have too many socks right?!

2. Sweets

Christmas is also the time to outfat (if there's such a word) your clothes and increase your chances of getting diabetes. Being the sweet tooth I am, I'm definitely up to the challenge! Here's a list of sweets I've been eating the past week: candy, chocolate, ice cream, cheesecake, cupcakes, fruit salad, macarons.. and hmm, what else? There's definitely more things I've had this week, but what the heck, it's Christmas and I like to enjoy life while I can (even if it means I'll get fat, or rather, FATTER).

3. Christmas-y books

There are so many wonderful books out there about Christmas that's sure to get your holiday vibes going. And if they're not enough, one thing I like doing is reminiscing and rereading Harry Potter Christmas scenes. They're such a delight to read every single time!

4. Doctor Who Christmas Special

One thing I'm sure every Whovian is excited about for the holidays is the annual Doctor Who Christmas special. I especially loved the Christmas special last year! I haven't seen this year's episode yet, but it's about to come out anytime now. I'm pretty excited to see River Song come back and the dynamic between her and the Doctor! Who else is counting down til the episode comes out?!

5. My bed

Every time people ask me what I've been doing this Christmas break, I only have one answer, and that's catching up on my sleep! I haven't been able to sleep early the past term because of all my academic requirements and extra curriculars, so I am beyond grateful to take this time off to hibernate and recharge my body batteries. I have been spending too much time with my bed lately though, that I'm beginning to think that I'm starting to have an unhealthy relationship with my bed because it's all I think about all day: when I get to sleep again. I hope you guys are spending quality time with your beds as well - just not too much! HAHA

6. Appreciation

I'm not sure what I mean about this last thing, especially since it isn't consistent with the rest of the items above, since it's an abstract thing. But one thing I'm really really thankful about this year is appreciation (which sounds funny cause I'm basically thankful about thankfulness - whaaaaat?!). But anyway, recently a friend who I've been looking out for the whole year, randomly told me how much he appreciated me and all the things I've done for him! And it made my day, because I didn't think that he had noticed how much I've done to take care of him. So I'm really grateful for people thanking me for the little things and gestures (which are actually the things that really matter), because it makes me feel as if I'm doing something good to someone else's life. Has someone told you thank you this Christmas? :) Trust me, it really is the best feeling ever! Definitely one of my favorite presents!

I'll keep this list to 6, just because my favorite number is 6. LOL How about you? What are you thankful for this Christmas? No matter where you are or who you're with, I hope you're having an awesome Christmas Day!

Seasons greetings from Geeky Chiquitas! :)

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  1. Have a good one!
    Cassandra @ Book & Movie Dimension a Blog

  2. I had a hard time with Christmas this year too. I love lots of family and lots of games, but this year it was only my in-laws and my husband. Hopefully we will have a better Christmas next year!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings Enter my 2nd Annual Blogoversary Giveaway


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