Book Blogger Love-a-Thon // Mini Challenge #2: Book Valentines

4:52 PM

In this challenge, we are going to make a love letter to our book boyfriend. We don't think that words are enough to describe the most perfect guy in the world (even though he's a fictional character). Like we've said before, we're a bit late into this Loveathon thing and had some problems with the Internet, so we're posting this late (and we don't care if the link up is closed because this mini challenge is just so fun and awesome!:) )

Dear The Boy With the Bread,

You are all our (Kimi Beryl and Audrey) book boyfriend. We've argued about who gets to have you the whole day, and we've decided to just share because sharing is caring, right?

You are our book boyfriend. Wanna know why?

Because Peeta Mellark, you are a wonderful wonderful human being, and we thank you for existing. (Actually we thank Suzanne Collins for creating you) We swooned every time you showed how much you love Katniss (and also cried silently in jealousy). We cried when the capitol did the thing (which we do not want to remember) to you in Mockingjay. We stayed strong with you when you were trying to make sense of what was real or not.

You taught us that men can be gentle and loving and kind. You showed us the beauty of life, in your words and actions. But more importantly, you gave us hope - hope that life can become better despite all the terrible things in the world. We adore you so much that we can't think of The Hunger Games without you there. Too bad you're already taken. *sobs*

Even though we seem like creepy stalkers to you, you should remember that stalkers care. They care about everything you do. Remember, we will be here, waiting. With a cake. That we have baked. FOR YOU.

We love you, real or not real?


P.S. Team Peeta forever!

Kimi, Beryl and Auds

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  1. Eeeep, love this! Peeta is definitely one of my fave book boys! 'You taught us that men can be gentle and loving and kind'- SO TRUE! He has such a beautiful character and you can't not not love him.

    Where is this alleged Peeta cake?? Hehe, great post, girls!

  2. Ah, Peeta, my love. :) He's soooo awesome! Love this post! :D

  3. I love your letter and totally agree! Peeta is such a kind soul, and he has definitely set the standard for future bookish boys.

  4. Ooohh, you chose Peeta too! I love him so much, and I love your letter to him! I agree, he's totally swoony and the best book boyfriend ever. =)


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