
Book Blogger Love-A-Thon 2014// Kick-Off Interview

7:02 AM

The book blogger love-a-thon is a 2-day event that was created to show love and appreciation for book bloggers. It is hosted by Kate and Alexa.

Now this is actually a late post of our first post for the love-a-thon, but we hope you could still check it out. Something went wrong with our internet connection so we  weren't able to post it on time - we're very sorry! 

Anyway, this is our first time participating at the love-a-thon (yay!) so we hope to have a wonderful time with everyone, and meet other book bloggers!

1. How did you come up with your blog name? 
Our blog name symbolizes what we all three have in common. At first, we were thinking about random names and ended up agreeing on Geeky Chiquitas. It also took us some time to think about our blog name since we wanted a unique one. We believe that this is the perfect blog name since we are geeks who are chiqs! 

2. What genre/subject matter do you read and review most on your blog?
Even though, the three of us are different in many ways, we agree with our book choices. Our favorite genre to read and review as of now is YA fiction, mostly contemporary, LGBT and paranormal, but we read others too! 

3. Name the 3 books you're excited for in 2014!
This 2014, we are excited for A LOT of book releases, but our three most awaited are Landline by Rainbow Rowell since all her books are amazing, Breath Annie Breath because Stealing Parker and Catching Jordan were great, and Dorothy Must Die.

4. Where in the world are you blogging from?
All of us are from the Philippines, specifically in Metro Manila. We've been living here since we were born. 

5. Tell us -- how did you get into blogging in the first place?
This is the first time for Beryl and Audrey to create a blog, and for Kimi maybe it's almost the 5th time. It all started on a car ride when we decided to collborate on a blog. We decided to be book bloggers because we just love books and think book bloggers are such friendly people! 

6. Apart from reading, what other hobbies/interests do you have?
Well, though reading is our first love, there are of course a lot of things we do aside from reading. Beryl is part of the pep squad in her school. She also likes shopping and doing DIY projects, and basically anything that has to do with fashion and creativity. Kimi loves TV and film, and is very interested in photo and video editing and graphic design. She also spends most of her free time watching Doctor Who and stalking blogs on tumblr. Audrey loves sports, and actually plays basketball. She is also very interested in music and plays the guitar.

7. If you were stuck on a deserted island, which books would you bring with you?
Oh that is a hard question! So many books to choose from. For Kimi it would be all 7 Narnia books because then she'd be forced to finally read them since there'd be nothing else to read on the island. For Beryl it would have to be a book she hasn't read yet (is this cheating? Haha) so an example would be Gone Girl. For Audrey she would bring all the Harry Potter books because it is virtually impossible to ever get sick of reading them. Oh, and a Bible would be nice too!

8. If you were stuck in some dangerous situation (like a fire, a sinking ship, a warzone), which book boy or girl would you want to come and save you?
Okay this is quite easy. And we all agree unanimously that our book boy or girl hero would have to be Katniss from The Hunger Games! We think she's awesome! 

9. You’re attending a party with your friends. Suddenly, the DJ changes the song and it’s YOUR song – what song would that be?
For Kimi the obvious choice would be Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus (because who doesn't want to "put my hands up they're playing my song...")
For Beryl it's definitely Team by Lorde - because this song is just awesome like that.
For Audrey it's The Origin of Love by Mika!

10. What 3 movies would you love to have your favorite author write into books, or vice versa?
For Kimi it would be the Before Sunrise series (or is there already a book written for that???)
For Beryl it would be You've Got Mail because it is still the best rom com she's ever seen!
For Audrey it would be Inception and she hopes it would be less confusing than the movie!

We'll be posting more later for the Love-A-Thon! Stay tuned ;)

Link your blogs below and we'll check it out :) 

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