
BOOK IN REVIEW: Death Lies Between Us by Jody A. Kessler

10:55 AM

Title: Death Lies Between Us
Author: Jody A. Kessler
Hardcover: 288 pages
Publisher: Crescent Moon Press
Rating: 3/5 
Received a free copy from the author in exchange for an honest review

How can fate change two different people's lives? Death Lies Between Us is all about Juliana Crowson, a 19 year old girl who has different struggles all through out the book. She's very unknowing of her spiritual skills, and wants it all out of her. On the other hand, Nathaniel Evans, who is the Angel of Death, finds himself beginning to like Juliana even though he was sent there only to take her into the afterlife. 

I liked the book because it is full of mystery in everything that happens. I couldn't tell what would happen next. I was hanging on in every word and felt like I couldn't breathe until I know what's going on. This book was told in dual POV's, Nathaniel and Juliana's. At first, I was a bit worried because sometimes with two POV's, it gets confusing, but it actually helped me understand the story more. The book was also well written. It has a very interesting plot, that is new and fresh. I believe that Juliana and Nathan actually had feelings for each other that it wasn't just a simple crush. Their feelings were genuine and understandable. I love how they seemed to be made for each other. Yesterday was Valentine's day which is why I was able to appreciate this book even more. 

“What would I give to stay right here with her, forever? Everything?"

My problem with this book is that I felt that the story was progressing to slowly. It seems like there's so many things happening, but nothing was really happening at the same time. 

This book is a different read compared to other supernatural love stories. For all those bookworms out there with this type of genre, you better read this one! ;) 

“Can there be any trust…When “death lies between us.”

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  1. Oh, this book seems to have a wonderful premise! Too bad that it also seems to have slow pacing. I need to get my fix of supernatural romance, so I'll make sure to check it out later! Wonderful review, Beryl! :) <3


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