
BOOK IN REVIEW: Me And Earl and The Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews

4:28 PM

Title: Me and Earl and The Dying Girl
Author: Jesse Andrews
Publisher: Amulet Books
Hardcover: 295 pages
Rating: 4/5

When I first saw this book, I thought that it would be another book about cancer. I thought that it would show the usual things that books about cancer do. When I read it though, I realized that the story was actually very different.

Greg and Earl are friends who love making films together. When Greg's mom hears that an old girlfriend of Greg's, Rachel, has cancer, she tells Greg to spend more time with her because she needs friends. Greg, Earl, and Rachel slowly become close.

Right from the start, the author warns you that there will be no deep realizations in the book. The author tells you that while reading this book, you will want to punch yourself in the eye. Did I wanna do that? At some points, yes. Did I give up on the book? No. Even though it was stated by the narrator that this book is pointless, I don't think it is. Me and Earl and The Dying Girl actually made me tear up at times but not when Greg is talking about Rachel's cancer. I usually teared up when Earl would open up about how horrible his life actually is, how he finally plans to become selfish because he realizes that he can't help his family without them helping themselves. In this book, I have to say that Earl is my favorite character with Greg coming close at second. My problem with Greg is that he can be a little dense at times. He also always thinks the worst about himself and doesn't believe the compliments that are directed at him. What I liked best about the characters is how realistic they all are.

This book reminds you that sometimes, dying is just that. Sometimes there are just no deep realizations or life changing decisions made when someone dies. I know that that probably sounds terrible but it's the truth. Sometimes, a person's death touches your heart, sometimes it doesn't and that doesn't make you a bad person. The cancer didn't even seem like the main point of this book. 

Some of the things I like about this book is that it never made you too sad and that it was very honest to the readers. This book will be hated by some, loved by others. I don't think that there is a neutral reaction to this book. I, for one, loved it.

What are your favorite books? What do you the about think about this one? Leave a comment!

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  1. This sounds interesting and I love the cover!

  2. Well, sometimes you need to be selfish, because being selfless all the time could make a person really unhappy in the long run. I don't know how I'd feel about a book that pretty much tells me that I'm going to be frustrated and it's going to be pointless, but everyone in youtube is getting and reading it and it's slowly getting into blogosphere too so perhaps I ought to check it out:)

    My favorites? One of my favorite series is about cancer, actually, well the first book anyway. Slammed series by Colleen Hoover. There are so many favorites though that I'd spend a day talking about them:) Lovely review!


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