
Can't Wait to Watch Movies of 2014 PART 2

4:41 PM

It was the first day of my Southeast Asian Film class, and we were watching a bunch of trailers of upcoming Hollywood movies. I know, I know, we were supposed to watch Southeast Asian films, but it was our first day and our ever so cool film professor wanted to show us the movies he was looking forward to.

Well, Beryl and I have our own list of CAN'T WAIT MOVIES OF 2014, but after seeing the trailers, I realized that we missed out A LOT on our list, so have decided to make a part 2 of said post.

1. X-Men: Days of Future Past (May 23)

In this new X-Men movie, the characters from the original franchise trilogy will join forces with their younger selves in an effort to change the past, to - get this - ultimately save the future. Awesome, right? The plot sounds very very interesting, and guys, IT'S X-MEN and this time it's the largest collaboration of superheroes! Plus, we get to see Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lawrence, Nicholas Hoult and more on the big screen once again!

2. Guardians of the Galaxy (August 1)

And it's another MARVEL movie with an ensemble cast! In Guardians of the Galaxy, we are introduced to another set of superheroes: Peter Quill, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket, Groot and more! People are usually more inclined towards the superheroes in the Avengers, but we think that Guardians of the Galaxy provides much diversity to what constitutes a superhero, and so we think that this is a movie we should all watch out for this 2014! 

3. Interstellar (November 7)
Interstellar is an upcoming space movie that's about a group of space travellers or astronauts who go into a wormhole. Nothing much is revealed except that it stars Anne Hathaway, Matthew McConaughey and more! Need another reason to watch this film? It's directed by CHRISTOPHER NOLAN, the guy who did Inception, the Batman movies, Memento and so many more legendary films. I'll go anywhere this guy tells me to.

4. The Hobbit: There and Back Again (December)

After THAT horrible cliffhanger in the last Hobbit movie, finally we will see the concluding movie of the trilogy this year. This one will most likely feature a very very epic battle, so you better not miss it!

5. Noah (March 28)

Everything abut this movie is a recipe for success. We've got Darren Aeronofsky, the guy who directed Black Swan and Requiem of a Broken Dream. We've got Russell Crowe, Emma Watson, Anthony Hopkins, Jennifer Connelly, Douglas Booth, and Logan Lerman. The concept of the film also seems very interesting as it is based on the Bible, but also includes a little bit more of creative expression.

6. Mr. Peabody & Sherman (March 7)
This one is kind of out of place, but I just HAD to include this in the list, as there were Doctor Who references in the first part of the trailer, which really cracked me up. After watching the trailer, I thought it was pretty cute and would love to see Mr. Peabody in the big screen.

2014 seems like a great year for movies! What are your Can't Wait Movies of 2014? Sound off in the comments below! :)

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