
BOOK IN REVIEW: Ophelia and The Marvelous Boy by Karen Foxlee

9:45 AM

Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Title: Ophelia and The Marvelous Boy
Author: Karen Foxlee
Publisher: Knopf Books
Publishing Date: January 28, 2014
Hardcover: 240 pages
Rating: 4/5

I am very thankful that I was able to read this. When I first saw the synopsis, I admit I wasn't all that excited about it but now that I have read the story, I know that if I hadn't read this story I would have missed out on a lot. 

This story is about a young girl named Ophelia whose mother has just died. Ophelia, her father, and her sister have different ways of mourning their mother's death. The father immerses himself in his work, Alice, the sister, starts spending more time on her looks and with the fashionable Miss Kaminski, and Ophelia wanders around the museum. As Ophelia explores the museum she meets a boy and together they recover a sword and  save the world (with a bit of her family's help too). 

This book made me feel young again. It left me wanting to read more of Ophelia and The Marvelous Boy's adventures. It was written simply and straight to the point. I finished this in a remarkably short time because I just couldn't put it down. At first, I thought that the story taking place in a museum might be a problem because the setting might not be appropriate for the plot. I was actually expecting it to take place in a fantasy world where Ophelia would have to travel to the Snow Queen's castle and rescue a trapped boy. In this case however, the story being set in a museum made the story even more perfect than it already was. 

My only problem with this book was that the book was too predictable. While reading the book I could already tell what would happen next. The mysteries in the book like who the Snow Queen or The One Other was were very easy to guess. I already knew who it would be as soon as I met those characters. 

All in all, this book was a good read and I would want to read it again sometime in the future. This book will latch onto your mind and will leave you thinking about it for a long time. This book is for a middle school aged audience but I'm sure that older readers will like it just as much.

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