

9:22 PM

Hey everyone! Along with our inability to post lately, we also haven't been able to read books or partake in blog tours, cover reveals, etc. This is not something that stems merely from irresponsibility or lack of time; it also comes from a lack of motivation. Reading is something that we've been neglecting for a while now, and it can be obviously seen from the lack of book reviews and all. This is why we just wanted to inform you all that there might be a lot less blog posts about books here for a while. We've been stuck in what seems to be a book rut. Nothing seems to pique our interest for long enough, and from that, we've lost motivation. This doesn't mean that this blog will stop being updated or that there will be no more posts about books. We will all try and start getting back to reading and hopefully begin to put up book reviews and get back to the same blogging frequency we've had before, but for now, we will be posting a different type of content. Geeky Chiquitas has always been a blog about all aspects of our lives, not just books, so now we're going to bring in the 'our lives' aspect of it all. We are sincerely sorry for not being able to keep up with the book blogging, but we hope that you all continue to read our blog. Thank you guys for all the support we've received from you until now, and we promise to make our content worthwhile. :)

-Geeky Chiquitas x (Kimi, Beryl, Audrey)

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