
Top Ten Tuesday: Books that will make you cry

10:22 PM

This week's topic is books that will make you cry. This is a very difficult topic to write about as we at the Geeky Chiquitas rarely cry, we just have feels. So on the rare occasion that a certain book does make any of us cry, we are sure to remember it. For sure. 

Kimi's Picks

1. Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
This is the most recent book I've read that made me cry. A beautiful and heartbreaking story between two young men, this book will surely make anyone burst into tears.

2. Mockingjay
Because it broke my heart to read about tortured Peeta and crazy and depressed Katniss.

3. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
This is the most emotional and overwhelming book I've ever read. I grew up with these characters, the world, and the story. Knowing that this was the last book was a big tearjerker for me. Watching the characters die was also too painful.

4. Thirteen Reasons Why
This is the first book I've read about suicide and it simply blew me away. 

5. The Last Song
I'm quite skeptical of adding this to the list as I'm not the biggest Nicholas Sparks fan, but this book is clearly an exception as I thought it was very poignant and beautiful, and made me shed a few tears too.

Beryl's Picks
1. The Sister's Keeper
This book is all about sacrifice to save someone you love's life. This book truly touched my heart, and I realized that sometimes kids really do feel like they are neglected by their parents. 

2. If I Stay
I can't imagine choosing between life and death. Knowing that if you choose death, you wouldn't know what could happen to you if you had chosen life. If you had chosen life, there will definitely be a lot of challenges and it will be especially hard for Mia because her family is already dead.

3. The Fault in Our Stars
I'm not the only one who cried upon reading this book. True love is infinite and when Augustus Waters died, you could see how much Hazel loves him. Now that, is true love.

4. Catalyst
Catalyst is a book that wrecked me emotionally. It was a book of pure genius, evil genius. I would probably break down if I were to go into more detail about this book so I will leave at at this note: this book will change your outlook in life.

5. Clean
Because it contains all of a teen's possible encounters in life. It's very realistic. I just loved reading this and I definitely don't regret it.

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  1. Only book that has ever made me cry, was Paths of Glory by Jeffrey Archer... the last chapter, my word...

  2. Mockingjay, Harry Potter and The Fault in Our Stars all made my list too! Clean sounds intriguing - I'll have to check that one out!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  3. I so agree about Catalyst. I almost put it on my list because I was so shocked at what happened and I was definitely crying like a baby about it. I also CANNOT wait to read Aristotle and Dante!! I've heard great things about it... my book club is reading it in May and I'm trying to wait to read it until closer to then, but!!!! I want to read it now :)

    Thanks for stopping by My TTT ...your blog name is adorable!

  4. I've never read the Harry Potter books but I plan to soon, and I've seen a lot of people say the last book is really tough at the end. Mockingjay too, I want to read that before the movie comes out but it sounds like there are some tough moments in that one too.

  5. Some of those made my list as well :) as for the others, I guess I'll have to read some!

  6. I loved The Last Song. Such a beautiful book!

  7. I forgot about Mockingjay! Isn't that silly? If I Stay is on my list too :)


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