
Top Ten Tuesday

9:44 PM


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by the amazing people at Broke and Bookish. This week's topic is all about what topics we would want to make writers write. 

We will start off with:

1. The Double Life and Troubles of a Shopaholic 
We are so eager for this book to exist the we've already planned out what it will be about and what the title will be! This book will basically be Beryl's autobiography - shopaholic by day, geek nerd by night (because why can't you be BOTH?)! We will, of course, make it sound more exciting than it actually is, funnier, wittier, and infinitely less boring. How will Beryl overcome the slow internet connection or the curse of boring math teachers? Find out in this amazing autobiography!

2. YA fiction genre about cavemen
Okay, it might be a bit weird but seriously, how many of us have read or even know about such a thing? Wouldn't a book like that be fascinating? 

3. A book about dolls coming to life once a year and causing mayhem
The book will tell you why the dolls do such things. We would also like the book to portray their actions as reasonable and maybe even rational. 

4. A book about the life of a blogger
We want the book to show how hard it is to manage a blog and also how stressful it is to do it. We also want the book to show why even though blogging is hard stressful, and tiring, we still do it. We can't let it go. It's challenging and fun at the same time. 

5. An eighth Harry Potter book
Okay, that sounds a bit vague but we actually have got this very detailed. We want it to become a new companion series to the original Harry Potter books and it will be set in the MARAUDER ERA and will be a prequel to the 1st 7 books! Yay! 

6. A book on how to manage curly hair
This is actually more to the benefit of Beryl and Kimi since Audrey doesn't have curly hair. Beryl and Kimi have recently curled their hair and is having a rather difficult time managing and maintaining their curls. 

7. A book wherein a very obese guy is the main character
We want it to show the guy's struggles and how he is shunned by society.

8. Weird book with May-December romance-ish
A book with a girl who is really old but manages to eat some of Jack's magical beanstalk seeds and it makes her grow young again. She falls in love with a young man and the young man reciprocates her feelings, but the magic wears off and she grows old again. How will the young man react to this? How will their love survive?

9. A book set in a ghost community
The next kind of book that we want would be about a ghost community where there really isn't anybody who is alive. Though they are all dead, the book will not be depressing. It will put the saying: 'till death do us part' to the test.

10. A book about twins, a girl and a boy
The twins only have a few things in common and one of this is that they both make up stories in their heads. The only problem is that the stories feel more like memories than a product of their imaginations. The girl draws the scenes in her notebook while the boy writes about it and makes the occasional comic. On one faithful day, they will realize that the stories and drawings they make are the same and they will embark on a journey to find out why.

What are the books you want authors to write? Tell us below! :)

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  1. Wow your list is very interesting and really enjoyed some of your ideas :) I am with you about more Harry Potter!!

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.

    1. thank you! I just can't get enough of JK Rowling! :)

  2. Re: Curly hair. There is Curly Girl by Lorraine Massey. It's not perfect, but it's helped me quite a bit.

  3. 2. It would really be awesome to read something about the likes Flintstones.

    3. OMG. I don't think I would ever read books such as this. Reminds me of the Chucky films. Gosh, that franchise always give me the chills.

    4. I haven't read about one yet.

    5. YESSSSS!!!! I hope JK Rowling would stop writing about adult novels just to prove herself that she can write outside the MG and YA fences. Seriously, I've read all her adult books and I must say that her forte really lies on writing fantasy books wherein the MCs are MGs and YAs. I hope she will write another Potter book again.

    7. This would be really interesting.

    8. Sounds like Lord of the Rings where 87 year old Aragorn fell inlove with 2000 or 3000 year old Arwen.

    9. Pretty scary.

    10. Are you familiar with A Song of Ice and Fire by George Martin? It also has twins as man characers only that the said twins are really awful. Hahahaha.

    Lovely post, ladies!

    1. Yeah I know about A Song of Fire and Ice but haven't actually gotten to reading it yet! Maybe soon :) thanks for stopping by, Charlotte!

  4. A book about cavemen, interesting. The Croods come to life in book form.
    The life of a blogger seems to be popular. It's the 3rd time I've seen it on someone's list.
    Interesting list, I enjoyed reading.

    Thanks for stopping by http://disappearintoreading.wordpress.com/

  5. I saw cavemen twice today. :D Could be good though!
    As for 8th HP... I'd never say no but I think the books rounded up really well.
    I read a book with obese characters, and as I loved that, the rest was a fail, and sadly a DNF. And I was so happy for something so uncommon! :D
    Good picks!

  6. You guys have such an original list! I found it pretty hard to come up with this week, but I managed *wipes brow*

    I have the 'A book about the life of a blogger' wish as well! I actually just finished reading one, but unfortunately I had some really mixed feelings about it and I ended up disliking it very much... The book is called Stargazing from Nowhere, its about a music blogger. The premises where great, but it really didn't live up in my opinion. If you wish you can check out my review... Maybe you'll like it better (if not, I really hope there'll be another one soon that will be fun to read!)


  7. You guys have such an original list! I found it pretty hard to come up with this week, but I managed *wipes brow*

    I have the 'A book about the life of a blogger' wish as well! I actually just finished reading one, but unfortunately I had some really mixed feelings about it and I ended up disliking it very much... The book is called Stargazing from Nowhere, its about a music blogger. The premises where great, but it really didn't live up in my opinion. If you wish you can check out my review... Maybe you'll like it better (if not, I really hope there'll be another one soon that will be fun to read!)


  8. I love this list. So many great ideas on it. Seriously some of these need to happen.

  9. You have great ideas for some interesting protagonist. Have you ever tried to put pen to paper?

    1. Not really, maybe next time!!! :) but thanks for the encouragement!

  10. All of these are really great ideas, haha, I think I would read all of them. Especially 1 and 8.

  11. I LOVE your list! I also added a new HP series to mine! I want a book set when Lily and James were at school - then we can meet Lupin and Snape and everyone! I want to see Voldermort rise to power and Harry's parents deaths. IT WOULD BE AMAZING!!!

    My TTT :)

  12. 5. I WOULD LOVE TO READ AN EIGHTH HARRY POTTER BOOK! I miss Harry Potter and his world so so much!

    8. Your idea of a weird book about May-December romance sounds like a really great one! Please write it! I would love to read it!

    9. I would love to read a book set in a ghost community! Are there any available already?

    10. What an interesting concept of a book about twins! I would love to read it!

    You've got really good ideas! Have you considered writing a book? :)

    1. Well the idea to write one has come but the actual writing is a lot harder... Hahaha hopefully next time yay

  13. Such an interesting list! But I love them! I'd definitely love a book about the life of a blogger! :)

  14. I love your ideas! I especially like the sound of YA fiction about cavemen. Adorkable by Sarra Manning is about a blogger. It's not really about how difficult it is managing a blog but it's one of my favourites all the same :)


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