
BOOK IN REVIEW: Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

10:36 AM

Title: Attachments
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Publisher: Dutton Adult
Publication Date: April 14, 2011
Hardcover: 336 pages
Rating: 4/5 stars

Upon reading the plot synopsis of this book, I didn't expect myself to actually like it, in the same way that I did not expect myself to like the main character, Lincoln, but I read it anyway because Eleanor & Park and Fangirl were both sooooo good. And there are obviously no regrets. 

Attachments is about Lincoln, your typical 28-year old no-life loser, who's still living with his mother, stuck in a job he doesn't even like, has zero social life unless you consider spending Saturday nights playing D&D with old friends, and who hasn't been with a girl since he broke up with his highschool girlfriend 8 years ago. I'm not a big fan of characters with the nice guy loser syndrome, but Lincoln sure is likable. 

The novel introduces us to Lincoln's new job: being the IT person in charge of monitoring the employee's email accounts for any inappropriate usage. It's his job to read the people's emails and sending them warnings if they say anything profane or inappropriate. It's creepy, but it has good pay, and for Lincoln, at least it's a job. The novel's narrative goes back and forth from Lincoln's 3rd person POV and Jennifer and Beth's email exchanges, a writing style which I really liked, as it kept my interest throughout the book. Reading it was simply a breeze - light, easy and enjoyable. 

At first, Lincoln didn't take the emails personally. It was just a job, and it meant nothing to him. But as he reads through the film critic Beth and the copyeditor Jennifer's office email exchanges, which they have used as a personal chat service, he finds himself in a Peeping Tom position, enamored by their witty, funny and simply heartwarming conversations. Worst is he starts to fall in love with Beth in the most inappropriate way possible. But Rainbow has crafted Lincoln's character so solidly likable, that we see the justification of Lincoln's creepy actions, and we actually WANT him to keep reading their emails, because WE want to read them, as well.

I'm not a big fan of chick lit, but Attachments is an exception to this. For once, we have a male main character, that we can all relate to with his insecurities, struggles and unsureness of what to do with his life. I also thoroughly enjoyed Rainbow's well-written narrative, the sharp and witty dialogue and the amazing prose. Setting this in the year 1999 was a smart move as well, as the transition of print media (the paper) to technology paralleled Lincoln's transition to maturity and adulthood.

If you're in for a light, cute and fun, but also a personal and meaningful read, then Attachments is the book for you.

Have you read Attachments? What did you think of it? :) 
“And there wasn’t anything he wanted to do that he couldn’t make time for. What did he have to mope about, really? What more did he want? Love, he could hear Eve saying. Purpose. Love. Purpose. Those are the things that you can’t plan for. Those are the things that just happen. And what if they don’t happen? Do you spend your whole life pining for them? Waiting to be happy?” 
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  1. I really need to read something by Rainbow Rowell! I see everyone raving over Fangirl and Eleanor and Park. Need. to. read. ;) I'm not usually one for chic-lit either, but this sounds really funny and quirky.

    1. Yes you should! And it'd be best to start with this one, since Attachments came out first. :) let me know when you read it! Thanks for dropping by, Cait!

  2. I'm starting to think that I should really check this author out... As per usual, I feel like the last to jump aboard the awesomesauce train with it.

    Great review!

    1. Aw, it's never too late to read a book! :)

      Thanks for dropping by, Sarah!

  3. I haven't actually paid attention to what Attachments was about until I just read your review. I've been wary of Rainbow Rowell, since she's kind of exploded over the last few months, but this subject matter sounds really interesting. I might have to re-think my wariness!

    1. Yes! You've got to read at least one Rainbow Rowell (no I'm kidding you have to read all of them lol).

      Thanks for dropping by Kelly! :)

  4. I'm doing a readalong with this with some other bloggers. So I need to buy it!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. Yes you should! It's definitely worth it! :)

      Thanks for stopping by Jen!

  5. I knew I wanted to immerse myself in the world of Rainbow Rowell this year but didn't know where to start - I didn't want to go for the obvious, and much talked about, Eleanor and Park. I now know to start with Attachments! Thanks for the review!
    Bits & Bobs

    1. Yes, Attachments is a nice choice for your first Rainbow book! Hope you enjoy it :)

      Thanks for stopping by, Jade!


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